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breathe into one’s mouth
向某人嘴里吹气  detail>>
breathe on one
呵手  detail>>
with one mouth
异口同声地, 众口同声地  detail>>
he has to breathe through his mouth
他要用口呼吸  detail>>
open one’s mouth
宽厚一点  detail>>
talk with one’s mouth full
嘴里含满东西说话  detail>>
 vi.  1.呼吸。 2.活着,生存;(肖像等)栩栩如生。 3.歇一口气,休息一下。 4.(风等)微微吹动;(人)低语;(香气)飘溢;(酒...  detail>>
breathe in
呼入 吸进 吸入  detail>>
breathe into
注入  detail>>
to breathe in
吸入  detail>>
laugh on the wrong side of one’s mouth
转喜为忧  detail>>
open one’s eyes and mouth wide
张大嘴 睁大眼睛  detail>>
by mouth
经口,口服  detail>>
by the mouth
内服(用)  detail>>
in the mouth of
出于...之口  detail>>
 n.  (pl. mouths ) 1.口,口腔,嘴。 2.〔 pl.〕口,(需要赡养的)人;(需要饲养的)动物。 3.口状物,出入口;孔...  detail>>
of by or for the mouth
口中  detail>>
s mouth
替我说了(你所说的正是我想要说的) 听马说的(根据最可靠的消息来源)  detail>>